Prospects are looking bright for computer science graduates with research showing that more than eight in ten companies are planning to increase staff numbers and 86% of businesses expecting sales to rise in the coming year.

There is high demand for graduates with three out of four organisations expecting to recruit this year.

The annual survey of 150 organisations, carried out on behalf of ScotlandIS by Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, also found that Scottish businesses are undertaking a significant amount of international activity, with Europe, USA and Canada seen as the most attractive overseas markets for the second year running.

ScotlandIS, the trade body for the digital technologies industry in Scotland, welcomed the positive outlook.

Said POLLY PURVIS, CEO of ScotlandIS, “This is great news for a vibrant industry which is going from strength to strength. There has never been a better time to get into software and IT.  For young people considering their career options our industry offers huge opportunities, from founding your own tech start-up to international marketing as Scottish technology businesses increasingly move into global markets.”


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