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Scottish Entrepreneur stars in UK Competition Finals

A young Scottish entrepreneur - Rosyth based Kallum Russell (24) – has been maderunner-up in the finals of a UK-wide competition in London. Kallum was short-listed by a panel of judges to compete in Unltd's Lived ItAwards at Google Campus.

He was nominated for the Young Social Entrepreneur Award for his work at the Acorn Enterprise Initiative, a business accelerator based in Liberty Business Centre, Rosyth, which he co-founded.  It offers a free 20 week start-up programme for 15 new businesses, or “Acorns”.

Their Business Accelerator Programme accelerates the process of learning, making vital connections and achievement; offering free office space encourages collaboration, weekly seminars teach and challenge the Acorns, and a business mentor is on hand to help.

Kallum, the Chief Enterprise Officer of the Acorn Enterprise Initiative, said “Although I didn't win on this occasion, I'm delighted to be named runner-up for this award. I am very passionate about my work and I really enjoy the challenge of helping new businesses to grow.

“I’m very proud of the fact that I'm the only Scottish finalist in the whole competition and was put through as the judge's choice.

“This nomination is for everyone involved in the Acorn Enterprise Initiative. I couldn't have done any of it without the help and support of my business partner, Jerry Alexander, the team at Liberty Business Centres, our Acorns, and our partners and supporters.”

The Acorn Enterprise Initiative is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to growing the local start-up culture. It has been funded by Liberty Business Centres in partnership with Fife Council Economic Development. Their current 20 week start-up programme will finish at the end of June and the next intake will be in September.