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Bill Jamieson's blog

A Stark Warning for the New Year...

A New Year and a fresh start: we mean to be cheerful at Scot-Buzz, for to despair is a sin. But we need to face reality, too, and be honest and truthful about the future we face.  

You’re never too old for enterprise

Is an ageing population a negative for Scotland? Hands are already being earnestly wrung over figures showing the number of over 65s in Scotland has now eclipsed those under 15 for the first time.

According to figures released as part of Scotland’s 2011 census data this week, the number of Scots aged 65 and over grew by 11 per cent over the last decade.

Playing fast and loose with enterprise money

Capital schlapital: does it really matter that enterprise agency money has been transferred (or not) from one jam jar to another?


For those who feel that the government is not living on the same planet as the rest of us, I have a novel – and shocking - theory.

At the Entrepreneurial Exchange awards dinner in Glasgow last week I was chatting to a young businesswoman who told me of her weekly routine, involving as it did two and sometimes more trips every week to London. How draining, I replied. How unpleasant and exhausting this must be.

A,B,C, 1,2,3 – making it easy for Osborne

Never do the right thing until all other avenues have been exhausted. It’s a truth that’s haunted governments through the ages. But it’s never been more true of George Osborne’s chancellorship. Ahead of the Autumn Statement due next Wednesday we set our three proposals that would help get the economy moving again.

Entrepreneurial mirage - Is Brian Ashcroft right?

Today we are pleased to carry an important research paper from Professor Brian Ashcroft challenging whether there is an “entrepreneurial buzz” in Scotland today.

We welcome this as an important contribution to debate.


Running a small business, or thinking of starting one? Don’t expect much encouragement from economist and business guru Will Hutton. On BBC Newsnight Scotland last week he sneeringly dismissed the idea that SMEs were a significant factor in our economy as “baying at the moon”.

Singing along on the bus beyond hope

Happy Days Are Here Again was the song the lady Baptist school teachers sang with gusto on the   holiday tour bus from hell. Outside it was dark and raining, the road precarious and bumpy, the wild, overgrown scrub on either side menacing.  The driver was drunk. Empty beer and spirit bottles rolled with abandon across the aisle of the bus.

The economy: signs are mounting that we’ve turned a corner

There is growing evidence that the economy has turned a critical corner.

After last week’s figures showing a better than expected third quarter jump of 1 per cent in GDP, come more signs of improvement. In Scotland our business survival rate may at last be on an upward turn.Figures compiled by leading accountants and business advisers PKF from Accountant in Bankruptcy data show that a sharp fall in the number of Scots companies going under.

Why Scotland is still trapped in recession

Thursday is set to bring news that the UK economy has moved out of recession -
but Scotland may not be out of recession at all. 
Unemployment is still rising. Our high streets are being hammered. “Shovel ready” projects are no such thing.


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