WE’RE BACK - reaching out to new readers and new parts of Scotland with an editorial mix of business news and events, lighter current affairs and topical commentary.
AS before, editors JOHN and BILL will be leading our opinion columns. Trenchant, witty, always topical…
KEN HOUSTON, Our Man About Town will continue to bring fearless commentary on issues from Edinburgh’s tramway hassles to our runaway welfare bill and example after example of wasted money. As will RUTH MCKAY, our vital point of contact with the Federation of Small Business,
And soon HONEY MCBEE will be back with coverage of the best of media commentary and opinion. It is eagerly read – we know this from the complaints we get from columnists whose articles have not been highlighted in a particular week!
Honey is also our website uploader – an activity that can never be confused with restful basket-weaving.
Behind the scenes BEN CARTWRIGHT of Uniq pushes magic buttons and dials enabling the website to appear – most weeks the right way up.
Finally, a big thanks to readers. Keep sending your articles and business news - there’s always room in our Business Briefs for keeping our readers up-to-date.
The purpose of Scot-Buzz is not, and never has been, to make a profit, but our first advertisements have enabled us to defray costs and we’ve plans which should put us in “operating profit”. Yippee!